Aquatic monitoring

Proambiente staff is skilled on aquatic monitoring activities in coastal and inland waters, in particular:
- coastal areas (eg marine protected areas, coastal defense);
- artificial reservoirs (eg. harbours, dams, artificial canals);
- inland waters (eg lakes, rivers, lagoons).

Monitoraggio Ambienti Acquatici

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Indoor and outdoor environmental measures

Proambiente offers innovative protocols for monitoring indoor and outdoor air quality, according to the applications required:
- Gas measurements (CO2, NOX, CO, O2, O3, VOC, BTEX, H2S, NH3, H2, SO2);
- Measurements of the chemical composition of Particulate Matter (PM);
- Measurements of meteorological parameters;
- Measurements of PM size.

Monitoraggio Atmosfera

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Very high resolution structural, morphological and compositional microscopic analyses - ESEM

Proambiente staff is skilled in structural, morphological and compositional analysis at very high resolution (down to few nm) on samples of biological and inorganic materials (e.g. foraminifera, industrial materials, microplastics, powders). To provide this service, Proambiente uses an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (E-SEM) capable of operating in low vacuum conditions, close to atmospheric pressure and / or in presence of humidity (environmental conditions) inside the chamber.

Monitoraggio Ambienti Acquatici, Monitoraggio Atmosfera

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